

Keyboard shortcuts
n - properties window (on the right)
t - tool bar (on the left)
draw -hold d
 stroke placement = surface
draw on object
  highlight object
  press n for right menu
  press + for new grease pencil layer
  parent - assign the grease pencil layer to the object
   assign draw

round corners of cube - add bevel modifier (via wrench icon)

TAB key - toggle between edit mode and whatever your prior mode was (object, sculpt, etc)
the movie/animation play/pause/stop/rewind buttons are at the bottom under the timeline

ctrl + numpad 4 pan/move your view left (etc...)

video sequence editor (VSE)  drag vid clip to timeline
  specify size/rez
  frame rate - should ideally match camara    24frames / sec is hollywood quality?
  graph editor good for sound

turquis = audio track?

shift + a show menu



2nd + play = normal speed playback

effects transitions cross fade
  clip settings

Press alt key while selecting face or edges
 To get the entire seam!!!!

2 screens (separate window by holding SHIFT and left drag the upper right slashes)

World background colors
  horizon color
  zenith/overhead color
  ambient color
  can even do image

circle to cylender - grab circles vertices (click one then "loop select"), extrude them
make face on cylender - select top ring of vertices, "fill" them (alt-F)
F to join faces to one face

inset faces
Mode: Edit Mode
Panel: Tool Shelf ‣ Tools ‣ Mesh Tools ‣ Add: Inset Faces
Menu: Mesh ‣ Faces ‣ Inset Faces
Hotkey: I


blender video animation rigging with body parented to armature bones 
  (for computer graphics)

create some body/mesh
in object mode - add armature bone in the spine area (use xray mode to see it)
in edit mode E to extrude more bones (connected to original bone)
in object mode - select body/mesh    then select the Armature/bone structure (the LAST object selected will be parent)
then press CTRL+P (Parenting Menu)  Select Armature Deform With Automatic Weights. (the body/mesh is child of the armature)
in pose mode move stuff around and/or rotate specific bones


Vorovio = shorter



Material  default texture is diffuse map
Aclusion nah
Normal is pink and purple
Reflection/specularity  white is glossy
Displacement distorts geometry
N is background menu
Node editor
Uv unwrap to fit
Lamp change to sun lamp

tip: do glossy last (in the NODE EDITOR)

Render tab/properties

Select file format (png, avi, etc)

blender - background - easily set nice world background image
 by creating an "Environment Texture"
You can use many different kinds of background images,
 but the best is this beautiful 360° background image type: HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image).
These types of images are designed to wrap around your world in a spherical shape
  so no matter where you look in the scene, you still see the background image:
     (for free HDR images visit HDRI Hub)
use the Cycles Render engine
Object Properties-> World tab-> "Surface" section > Use Nodes
click "Color" button, Environment Texture, Open/select your HDRI file
to see your background image while working on your scene,
you MUST be looking through your Camera (press Numpad 0 to switch to it)
and also you have to set the 3D Viewport Shading to Rendered:

select camera
 press num pad zero to see thru it
 press g to mouse move view around

press r to rotate

press rr to move also

s to size/scale
s z to resize/rescale on z axis

  7 for top view

edit - mesh - edge - subdivide  (which is kinda like knife and/or split)
 to split selected edges in two

there is also a div multiplier thingy

to rejoin subdivided faces into 1 single face
    you can also select multiple subdivided faces, and then in edit mode click mesh menu
       then edge  then make edge/face

when sculpting
  dynamic toplogy will auto split/subdivide in the area meaning manipulated/sculpted

F12 to see the rendered image/scene

use material view
 to timeline-play and SEE the materials/textures you have applied

select a camera
  then press zero on numpad to see thru camera
       press g to grab and move scene
       press g z to grab/move scene on z axis
       press g zz to move/zoom camera in and out of scene (to widen what you can see, etc)
       press numpad dot/decimal to see behind camera

Node Editor

  good idea to put glossy node/modifier last at the end/output
  dot input/output color legend/meaning
Green = shader
Yellow = color
Gray = numeric input/output

Tabs/icons on the right
  wrench = modifiers (such as multi resolution -> subdivide)

space bar to do relevant menu wildcard search

join 2 objects
  from object mode,  select 2 objects (holding shift with right click 2 objects)

or drag in tree
into parent
to join text to an object, is a bit trickier,
  you must convert the text to a mesh (via ctrl-c twice)


Press alt key while selecting face or edges
 To get the entire seam!!!!

In case you're wondering, UV mapping stands for
 the technique used to "wrap" a 2D image texture
   onto a 3D mesh.

"U" and "V" are the names of the axes of a plane,
 since "X", "Y" and "Z" are used for the coordinates in the 3D space.

For example: increasing your "V" on a sphere might move you along a longitude line (north or south),
while increasing your "U" might move you along a line of latitude (east or west).

Another explanation can be gleaned from the Blender manual.
Imagine a paper 3D model of an object, e.g. a sphere,
 that is to be laid flat on a table.

Each of the 3D coordinates of the sphere
 can be mapped to the 2D coordinate on the flat piece of paper.

Blender provides another view of the vertices (coordinates)
 in the UV/Image Editor.

You can select and edit these 2D vertices
  just like in the 3D Editor window.

The purpose of this unwrapping of the coordinates is just
 to map these coordinates to images/pictures
  so that the 3D image can have a realistic looking surface

   with textures derived from these images.

blender -export/save video file of your animation
Before making video file, render it as an image sequence first.
 If you render it directly to a video file, you can't stop/pause the render
   or there is a chance that you will get a corrupted file.

"Render" tab (left icon on the right side of screen)-
   "Output" section (near the bottom right of screen), choose:
output folder/loc
image format under the output settings
click on "Animation" (in trip icon bar near the top right)
wait for it to finished generating the images

click "Choose screen layout" (top middle of screen) -> "Video Editing"
"Add" -> "Image" (press A to Select all image files) "Add image strip"

Finally to make a video files from the images
  return to "Default" screen layout
output sections - choose video format
click "Animation" again (it converts your image files into a video file)

Bump Mapping
Via blender render
Image texture – influence
– geometry – normal
-         Bump mapping method

scripting (python)

move a sphere

import bpy
import time
sphere1positions = (0,1,1),  (0,5,5),  (0,7,7),  (0,11,11)
sphere1startPos = (0,0,0)
sphere1Obj =["Sphere"]
for pos in sphere1positions:
    sphere1Obj.location = pos
    sphere1Obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", index =-1)
    frameNum += 20



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