Java TidBits
Misc Java Tidbits
(commonly used/helpful tips)
Also see My WebApp Blog Post for Java WebApps (Servlets/JSP's)
Prompt for user input (String) on commandline
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(" This is a cool app");
System.out.println(" JavaDocs are found at http://localhost:8080/Docs_for_MyApp ");
java.util.Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Press enter to continue");
reader.nextLine(); // Reading/Scan from
Convert StackTrace to String
* Convert an exceptions StackTrace to a string
* @param e Exception to pull the stacktrace from
* @return
public static String getStringFromStackTrace(Exception e){
StringWriter sw=new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
return sw.toString();
Trick to piping java command line output
Java writes version info to standard error (channel 2)rather than standard output
so to pipe java cmd output to a txt file::
java.exe -version 2> jVer.txt
JTextPane (swing)
JTextPane mainOutputArea=new JTextPane(); mainOutputArea.setBounds(100,100,20,35);
mainOutputArea.setName(MAIN_OUTPUT); mainOutputArea.setEditable(false); mainOutputArea.setBackground(Color.GREEN);
mainOutputArea.setFont(Font10); mainOutputArea.setContentType("text/html");
logIt("<span style='font-size:48px;'>Ready for action!</span>"+System.lineSeparator());
public static void logIt(String msg){
try{HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)mainOutputArea.getDocument();
HTMLEditorKit editorKit = (HTMLEditorKit)mainOutputArea.getEditorKit();
editorKit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), msg, 0, 0, null);
} catch(Exception exc) { System.out.println(exc);
DefaultCaret caret=(DefaultCaret)mainOutputArea.getCaret();
mainOutputArea.setCaretPosition(mainOutputArea.getDocument().getLength()); //goto scroll bottom
Java 8 Lambda's
abstract class cannot be instantiated, but can be subclassed
declared abstract may or may not include abstract methods.
abstract method is a method that is declared w/o an implementation
(w/o curly braces, and followed by a semicolon):
any class w/abstract method(s) must be declared abstract!
public abstract class GraphicObject {
// declare fields & nonabstract methods
abstract void draw();
abstract class subclasses usually provides implementations
for ALL of parent abstract methods (else it must also be declared abstract)
lambdas work on interfaces w/ONLY 1 abstract method
such as: actionlistener actionPerformed()
or like thread which only has RUN()
new thread(() -> dostuff()).start();
the long way
thread class
new thread(new runnable{
Java 1.7 Switch Case Stmt allows String!
case "Pscs": printIframeSourceHtml(pw,DashHelper.getPscsEtlInfo()); break;
case "Etl": printIframeSourceHtml(pw,DashHelper.getEtlInfo()); break;
case "Ari": printIframeSourceHtml(pw,DashHelper.getAriesFilesInDir()); break;
default: break;
For/While loop notes:
The continue statement skips the current iteration of a for, while , or do-while loop
or continue statement skips the rest of the loop.
Simple for loop with colon syntax
FTPFile[] files=getFileListing(""...);
for (FTPFile file : files) {
//do something with file
JavaDoc Method Comments:
* <span style='font-size:200%;color:red;'> Some Red Text:</span>
* <p>Don't use br for line breaks and don't self-enclose tags
* <ul>
* <li>A list item</li>
* <li>Another list item</li>
* </ul>
@see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
* @see #srcMetaTableToMapButton
* @see #metaTable label
* @see #mappingLabel
* @see #getPscsEtlInfo()
* @see MainClass#logIt(String)
{@link reports.uniform.InfoHelper#getPscsTopLeftPortion(InfoBean, javax.sql.DataSource, String, String, HttpSession, boolean)}
* @param path_n_filename
* @return String
* @author mdockery
put code samples inside your java docs as follows:
<div style='font-size:200%;color:red;'> Sample usage: </div>
in doGet <pre>{@code
String randomTokenString=getRandomString(req);
req.getSession().setAttribute(CaptchaServlet.RANDOM_CAPTCHA_KEYNAME, randomTokenString);
OutputStream responseOutputStream = response.getOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(getCaptchaImage(randomTokenString), "jpeg", responseOutputStream);
* <span style='font-size:200%;color:red;'> Some Red Text:</span>
* <p>Don't use br for line breaks and don't self-enclose tags
* <ul>
* <li>A list item</li>
* <li>Another list item</li>
* </ul>
@see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
* @see #srcMetaTableToMapButton
* @see #metaTable label
* @see #mappingLabel
* @see #getPscsEtlInfo()
* @see MainClass#logIt(String)
{@link reports.uniform.InfoHelper#getPscsTopLeftPortion(InfoBean, javax.sql.DataSource, String, String, HttpSession, boolean)}
* @param path_n_filename
* @return String
* @author mdockery
put code samples inside your java docs as follows:
<div style='font-size:200%;color:red;'> Sample usage: </div>
in doGet <pre>{@code
String randomTokenString=getRandomString(req);
req.getSession().setAttribute(CaptchaServlet.RANDOM_CAPTCHA_KEYNAME, randomTokenString);
OutputStream responseOutputStream = response.getOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(getCaptchaImage(randomTokenString), "jpeg", responseOutputStream);
Referencing a member of the current class
method(Type, Type,...)@see
method(Type argname, Type argname,...)@see
constructor(Type, Type,...)@see
constructor(Type argname, Type argname,...)Referencing another class in the current or imported packages
method(Type, Type,...)@see
method(Type argname, Type argname,...)@see
constructor(Type, Type,...)@see
constructor(Type argname, Type argname,...)@see
ClassReferencing an element in another package (fully qualified)
method(Type, Type,...)@see
method(Type argname, Type argname,...)@see
constructor(Type, Type,...)@see
constructor(Type argname, Type argname,...)@see
Note: Package level javaDoc descriptions can be put into (in the root of the package). The java file need ONLY contain the package declaration and the comments
* <span style='font-size:200%;color:Green;'> Uniform Report (Servlet, JSP, infoHelper) Package </span>
* @author mdockery
package reports.uniform;
* <span style='font-size:200%;color:Green;'> Uniform Report (Servlet, JSP, infoHelper) Package </span>
* @author mdockery
package reports.uniform;
When you create a NEW package in eclipse, there is a checkbox to auto-create this file. You can also do it later via file explorer, then you can edit it in eclipse.
Eclipse Notes
Collapse source code blocks Ctrl+Shift+NUM_KEYPAD_DIVIDE
Expand source code blocks Ctrl+Shift+NUM_KEYPAD *
Show line numbers
Show your TODO tasks! (to track what is left to be done inside an app)Compiler compliance level
JavaDoc stuff:
Source code formatting import/export:
External Jar Updates/Refreshes
If you change/update an external jar file, then you may need to right-click "refresh" your project(s) to force them to use the new(er) version of the external jarEclipse - ant build error during javadoc generation
H:\workspace\IP\src\ip\ error: package com.maxmind.geoip2.model does not exist[javadoc] import com.maxmind.geoip2.model.City;
[javadoc] ^
Simply make sure the java build path used for your eclipse project (properties)
matches the classpath tab on the external tool gui box (for ant)
In other words, ensure both reference the same set of external jar files
Nice/Useful Tasks/Build.xml scripts:
If ant cannot build because it cant find the javadoc command, simply add the java\bin to your system path env var.
- leverage project name (to avoid duplication)
- timestamping with military 24hr HH
- backup source code
- echo to display info
- copy fileset with overwrite/replace option
- javadoc
Simple Build.xml (easily reused/copied between projects ...just change the top lines)
build xml for war file (and its main class which can be run from commandline)
Added auto copy of the MainClass to the root of the war, so it can be run like a java -jar
<project default="Task03_Backup" basedir="." name="Search" >
<property name="MAIN-CLASS" value="MainClass" />
<property name="TOMCAT" value="C:/Program Files/tomcat9/" />
<tstamp> <format property="noww" pattern="yyyyMMdd_HHmm" locale="en,GB"/> </tstamp>
<target name="Task01_WarJar" description="gen/send the war" >
<record name="build_log.txt" append="true" action="start"/>
<echo message="Building/Jaring War file of entire eclipse project"/>
<record name="build_log.txt" action="stop"/>
<!-- Run/Execute the MAIN-CLASS like this: C:\Program Files\Tomcat9\webapps>java -jar Search.war -->
<copy toDir="${basedir}" overwrite="true" >
<fileset dir="${basedir}/WEB-INF/classes" includes="*.class"/>
<jar jarfile="${TOMCAT}webapps/${}.war" basedir=".">
<manifest> <!-- a nice to have if you want to click/run the jar file directly -->
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
<target name="Task02_Docs" description="generate documentation" depends="Task01_WarJar">
<echo message="Generating javadocs"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="src" destdir="${TOMCAT}webapps/ROOT/Docs_for_${}"
windowtitle="${} API as of ${noww}">
<header>${} API as of ${noww}</header>
<bottom>${} API as of ${noww}</bottom>
<target name="Task03_Backup" description="backup source" depends="Task02_Docs">
<echo message="Backing up source"/>
<copy toDir="${TOMCAT}/Backups/${}_as_of_${noww}"><fileset dir="."/></copy>
import java.util.Scanner;
Copy this compiled .class file to the main/root folder in your WAR file, so it can be run via command line.
Notice this is NOT in a package, since the build.xml copies it to the root of the war file
Notice this is NOT in a package, since the build.xml copies it to the root of the war file
For example:
C:\Program Files\tomcat9\webapps>java -jar maps.war
Map app to leverage Oracle Map Viewer
JavaDocs are found at http://localhost:8080/Docs_for_MyApp
Press enter to continue
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(" Map app to leverage Oracle Map Viewer ");
System.out.println(" JavaDocs are found at http://localhost:8080/Docs_for_MyApp ");
java.util.Scanner reader = new Scanner(; // Reading from
System.out.println("Press enter to continue");
Simple JavaDoc and Jar File tasks (includes a simple copy file function)
<project name="Utils" default="Task_GenJar" basedir=".">
<property name="DEST_PATH" value="C:/Program Files/tomcat8/lib/" />
<property name="COPY_PATH1" value="C:/app/jars" />
<property name="COPY_PATH2" value="Y:/ Technology/DW_Projects/DOC_Dashboard" />
<property name="MAIN-CLASS" value="utils.MainUtilsClass" />
<tstamp> <format property="noww" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm" locale="en,GB"/> </tstamp>
<target name="Task_GenJar" description="Gen the JAR file" depends="Task_Docs">
<echo message="Generating ${DEST_PATH}${}.jar with Main-class ${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<echo message="java -jar ${DEST_PATH}${}.jar"/>
<jar jarfile="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" basedir="./bin">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
<echo message="Copying jar to ${COPY_PATH1}"/>
<copy file="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" todir="${COPY_PATH1}"/>
<echo message="Copying jar to ${COPY_PATH2}"/>
<copy file="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" todir="${COPY_PATH2}"/>
<target name="Task_Docs" description="generate documentation">
<echo message="Generating javadocs to ${COPY_PATH1}/${}_docs"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="src" destdir="${COPY_PATH1}/${}_docs"
windowtitle="${} API as of ${noww}">
<bottom>${} API as of ${noww}</bottom>
</project> <description>${}</description>
<property name="DEST_PATH" value="C:/Program Files/tomcat8/lib/" />
<property name="COPY_PATH1" value="C:/app/jars" />
<property name="COPY_PATH2" value="Y:/ Technology/DW_Projects/DOC_Dashboard" />
<property name="MAIN-CLASS" value="utils.MainUtilsClass" />
<tstamp> <format property="noww" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm" locale="en,GB"/> </tstamp>
<target name="Task_GenJar" description="Gen the JAR file" depends="Task_Docs">
<echo message="Generating ${DEST_PATH}${}.jar with Main-class ${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<echo message="java -jar ${DEST_PATH}${}.jar"/>
<jar jarfile="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" basedir="./bin">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
<echo message="Copying jar to ${COPY_PATH1}"/>
<copy file="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" todir="${COPY_PATH1}"/>
<echo message="Copying jar to ${COPY_PATH2}"/>
<copy file="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" todir="${COPY_PATH2}"/>
<target name="Task_Docs" description="generate documentation">
<echo message="Generating javadocs to ${COPY_PATH1}/${}_docs"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="src" destdir="${COPY_PATH1}/${}_docs"
windowtitle="${} API as of ${noww}">
<bottom>${} API as of ${noww}</bottom>
Not as simple
<project name="Reports" default="Task04_WarIt" basedir=".">
<property name="DEST_PATH" value="Y:/ Technology/DW_Projects/${}/" />
<property name="BKUP_PATH" value="C:/product/Backups/" />
<property name="WAR__FILE" value="C:/Program Files/tomcat8/webapps/${}.war" />
<property name="MAIN-CLASS" value="reports.MainClass" />
<tstamp> <format property="noww" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm" locale="en,GB"/> </tstamp>
<target name="Task01_Doc" description="generate documentation">
<echo message="Generating javadocs to ${BKUP_PATH}${}_${noww}_docs"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="src" destdir="${BKUP_PATH}${}_${noww}_docs"
windowtitle="${} API as of ${noww}">
<bottom>${} API as of ${noww}</bottom>
<echo message="Generating javadocs to ${DEST_PATH}docs"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="src" destdir="${DEST_PATH}docs"
windowtitle="${} API as of ${noww}">
<bottom>${} API as of ${noww}</bottom>
<target name="Task02_backup" description="backup source" depends="Task01_Doc">
<echo message="${} running at ${noww}"/>
<echo message="Backing up source to ${BKUP_PATH}${}_${noww}"/>
<copy toDir="${BKUP_PATH}${}_${noww}"><fileset dir="."/></copy>
<!-- jar classes to DW_Projects dir -->
<target name="Task03_GenJar" description="Gen the JAR file" depends="Task02_backup">
<echo message="Generating ${DEST_PATH}${}.jar with Main-class ${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<jar jarfile="${DEST_PATH}${}.jar" basedir="./WEB-INF/classes">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
<echo message="Copying jpg, bat, html, and txt files to ${DEST_PATH}"/>
<copy toDir="${DEST_PATH}" overwrite="true" >
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="*.jpg *.html *.bat *.txt"/>
<copy toDir="${DEST_PATH}" file="./ETL.bat"></copy>
<!-- jar entire proj for tomcat -->
<target name="Task04_WarIt" description="gen/send the war" depends="Task03_GenJar">
<record name="build_log.txt" action="start"/>
<echo message="Building/Jaring War file ${WAR__FILE} at ${noww}"/>
<record name="build_log.txt" action="stop"/>
<jar jarfile="${WAR__FILE}" basedir=".">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${MAIN-CLASS}"/>
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
build.xml:208: Javadoc failed: Cannot run program "javadoc.exe": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file
modify path in Eclipse.
Open build.xml
Right-click the task in the Outline View
Select Run As->Ant Build … click the ellipsis at the end
see Eclipse launch config dialog. Give your new launch configuration a name, like “Build <Project Name>” or something
and switch to the Environment tab. Here you can
specify the environment for Ant.
prepend javadoc.exe to it.
click New… enter Path:
This prepends JAVA_HOME/bin to the current system path.
or on the jre tab, simply select a JRE
JavaFX eclipse plugin
help - > install new software...
Notes about storing in session var on apache tomcat:
"implements Serializable" for any object/bean u store in a HttpSession!else you may/will get the dreded:
WARNING [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]]
Cannot serialize session attribute MappingBeans for session C9934DBBF2EDB827C5D33D304ED3E16C mappings.MappingBean at
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