sqlplus /?
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Dec 22 16:41:27 2017
When SQL*Plus starts, and after CONNECT commands, the site profile
(e.g. $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql) and the user profile
(e.g. login.sql in the working directory) are run.
* example lllogon.sql/lllogin.sql
* put this in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql
/* page/width line/vertical height sizing */
set numwidth 11
set linesize 500
set lines 500
set pagesize 200
/***** column formating ******/
COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT A21
COL segment_name FORMAT A50
COL segment_type FORMAT A10
col file_name format a65
col value format a60
col type format a15
col sid format a10
col member format a60
col db_link format a30
col host format a30
col username format a20
col osuser format a20
col program format a30
col machine format a30
COL log_id FORMAT 9999 HEADING 'Log#'
COL log_date FORMAT A35 HEADING 'Log Date'
COL owner FORMAT A20 HEADING 'Owner'
COL job_name FORMAT A30 HEADING 'Job'
COL status FORMAT A10 HEADING 'Status'
COL actual_start_date FORMAT A10 HEADING 'Actual|Start|Date'
col req_start_date FORMAT A10
COL error# FORMAT 999999 HEADING 'Error|Nbr'
col run_duration format a15
col comm Format $99,999.99
COL extents FORMAT 9,999
COL blocks FORMAT 999,999
COL bytes FORMAT 999,999,999,999
col name format a65
col tablespace_name format a20
col object_name format a30
col component format a60
col server format a30
col principal format a30
col acl format a30
col host format a40
col salary format $999,999.99
col comm format $99,999.99
/* convenient column alias ex: select bla w10 from dual; */
col w10 format a10
col w20 format a20
col w30 format a30
col w40 format a40
define gname = 'not connected'
col global_name new_value gname
/* Select tablespace_name, Sum(bytes/(1024*1024)) TotalMB */
COL Sum(bytes/(1024*1024)) FORMAT 999,999,999,999
set termout off
SELECT user || ' (' || v$instance.instance_name || ')' global_name FROM v$instance, global_name;
set sqlprompt '&&gname >'
set termout on
set feedback on
set serveroutput on
set pause 'press enter dude'
/* set pause off */
================= - search "Download RDA"
From RDA download page
use UNZIP dos command (NOT the gui extract)
open dos as admin and run RDA.CMD
take the defaults
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Dec 22 16:41:27 2017
When SQL*Plus starts, and after CONNECT commands, the site profile
(e.g. $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql) and the user profile
(e.g. login.sql in the working directory) are run.
* example lllogon.sql/lllogin.sql
* put this in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql
/* page/width line/vertical height sizing */
set numwidth 11
set linesize 500
set lines 500
set pagesize 200
/***** column formating ******/
COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT A21
COL segment_name FORMAT A50
COL segment_type FORMAT A10
col file_name format a65
col value format a60
col type format a15
col sid format a10
col member format a60
col db_link format a30
col host format a30
col username format a20
col osuser format a20
col program format a30
col machine format a30
COL log_id FORMAT 9999 HEADING 'Log#'
COL log_date FORMAT A35 HEADING 'Log Date'
COL owner FORMAT A20 HEADING 'Owner'
COL job_name FORMAT A30 HEADING 'Job'
COL status FORMAT A10 HEADING 'Status'
COL actual_start_date FORMAT A10 HEADING 'Actual|Start|Date'
col req_start_date FORMAT A10
COL error# FORMAT 999999 HEADING 'Error|Nbr'
col run_duration format a15
col comm Format $99,999.99
COL extents FORMAT 9,999
COL blocks FORMAT 999,999
COL bytes FORMAT 999,999,999,999
col name format a65
col tablespace_name format a20
col object_name format a30
col component format a60
col server format a30
col principal format a30
col acl format a30
col host format a40
col salary format $999,999.99
col comm format $99,999.99
/* convenient column alias ex: select bla w10 from dual; */
col w10 format a10
col w20 format a20
col w30 format a30
col w40 format a40
define gname = 'not connected'
col global_name new_value gname
/* Select tablespace_name, Sum(bytes/(1024*1024)) TotalMB */
COL Sum(bytes/(1024*1024)) FORMAT 999,999,999,999
set termout off
SELECT user || ' (' || v$instance.instance_name || ')' global_name FROM v$instance, global_name;
set sqlprompt '&&gname >'
set termout on
set feedback on
set serveroutput on
set pause 'press enter dude'
/* set pause off */
================= - search "Download RDA"
From RDA download page
use UNZIP dos command (NOT the gui extract)
open dos as admin and run RDA.CMD
take the defaults
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