
Oracle VirtualBox

Can't delete a snapshot? try this:

expand/extend/enlarge a c drive disk

Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 5.0.2
VBoxManage modifymedium     [disk|dvd|floppy] <uuid|filename>
                            [--type normal|writethrough|immutable|shareable|
                            [--autoreset on|off]
                            [--property <name=[value]>]
                            [--resize <megabytes>|--resizebyte <bytes>]

C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe modifyhd "C:\Users\MDockery\VirtualBox VMs\Win7A64\Win7A64.vdi" --resize 30720


or use the newer syntax:

C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe modifymedium disk "C:\Users\MDockery\VirtualBox VMs\Win7A64_ROBO1\Win7A64_ROBO1.vdi" --resize 51200

Of course, you must then expand the disk inside the vm. For windows via diskpart (or the disk gui under the computer manage gui)

list volume --to find correct volume #
select volume # --to select the vol
extend --to extend the volume to the max of any unallocated space
list volume --to verify 

VirtualBox 4.1.x on Ubuntu machine w/several VM's

3 Methods to move a VM to another computer/host:
    1) Use the "Import/Export utility" (Note: converts from .VDI to .VMDK)
        export combines vm files into single OVA or OVF file
        throws away snapshots
        re-importing VM lets u decide HDD file (VDI or VMDK)
    2) Clone the VDI via "Virtual Media Manager" (later recreate new VM using it)
        ..eats disk!
        licensing issues?
        networking issues? (deal with dup ip's)

    3) Copy the entire VM folder (.vdi + .vbox files)
        copy VirtualBox VMs dir to new host
        ensure locations/permissions of snapshots and secondary VDI files are copied!
        if virtualbox was installed, uninstall and delete .virtualbox folder
        Install/Re-install VirtualBox (preferably same version  ex: 4.3.12r93773)
        Copy .virtualbox (usually C:\Users[username].VirtualBox
        Open VirtualBox
        set preferences set Default VM creation folder (to above)
        ...u may need to edit VirtualBox.xml       

VM HOST mappings to RDM (Raw Disk Devices) notes/tips 

You must present a new/clean/unused LUN to relevant vmware host(s)
  then rescan storage (on the host via the VIC - config - storage - devices -  rescan)
    and look for the presented LunID in the vic-host-config-storage-devices button

if you see your new/unused lun,
  then you can RDM (raw dev map) via "add disk"


The vmware esxi or vsphere hosts can be clustered

 but each host must have a mgnt vlan/vkernal port configured
   upon which you check the box for management (and leave vMotion UNchecked)

also each host must have a pingable isolation address for its management address
  (via vic-host-config-    dns_and_routing-routing tab,     gateway addr for the mgnt net)
      which is simply a device which each host can ping, to determine if they are good or have become isolated.


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